Hi, I'm Roland 👋
a full-stack developer, specialising in front-end. I work with JavaScript, React, Node, Express, MongoDb and other languages - as shown in the projects below.
I am based in Leicester and work as a full-stack JavaScript developer at Cromwell, a supplier of industrial tools. This website features side projects I have made in my spare time. Each project has been built from scratch.
About me

I enjoy bringing ideas to life with good design and robust code. Building user-centric interfaces which solve real-word problems is what makes me tick. Read more 👇
I’ve always been curious about how things work. As a kid I loved problem-solving by doing DIY with my Dad, and playing with puzzles like the Rubik’s Cube. Figuring things out is what inspired me to learn how to code.
Projects 👨💻
A collection of side projects built from scratch using various languages and frameworks. Explore the categories below by scrolling through then either view the project , Github repo or source code .
Loading projects
Apps using APIs
Colour Interactions
Contact me ✏️
Any questions? Drop me an email, it will be great to hear from you.